
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Comparison Between Project and Maintenance Organization and Culture

As the concept of a project differs fundamentally from that of daily or routine operations and maintenance, it follows that a number of principles and conceptions of project management must also diverge from those followed in the realm of maintenance management.
In maintenance management, tend generally to focus on maintain the facilities reliability during its lifetime production.
Project management may be defined as the planning, organization, direction, and control of all kinds of resources in a specific time period for achieving a specific objective comprised of various financial and non-financial targets.
This should help clarify the difference in outlook of the project manager and the maintenance manager. The project manager’s goal is to finish the project on time. Then he evaluates where he will relocate after finishing the project. The maintenance manager, on the other hand, never wants daily production to stop, and cannot dream of work stopping as distinct from the project manager’s goal of overall task completion.
The challenge here is in case of major rehabilitation project which is the major maintenance project and it called also "brown field" project. So my question; Are the engineers in engineering or construction phase in brown field project can have the same competency as the new project "green field" project?
waiting your comment

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